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Malwarebytes for Business
¿Qué es Malwarebytes for Business?
Conjunto basado en la nube de soluciones de ciberseguridad que ayudan a las empresas a identificar, analizar y solucionar las amenazas desde una plataforma unificada.
¿Quién usa Malwarebytes for Business?
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Malwarebytes for Business
Opinones de Malwarebytes for Business
Alternativas consideradas:
Malwarebytes Bussiness, tome la mejor eleccion
Comentarios: Hace 4 años era escéptico al escuchar sobre la efectividad que tenía Malwarebytes, sin embargo, decidí probar el software y déjenme decirle que no me arrepiento, actualmente es la herramienta de protección no solo para la empresa para la cual laboro, sino que también a las que presto soporte.
Puntos a favor:
Hasta el momento lo considero el mejor antivirus, además de proteger en tiempo real la navegación. Son pocos los falsos positivos que arroja, me siento muy satisfecho con el rendimiento general del software Malwarebytes.
En ocasiones, no se inicia junto al sistema operativo a pesar de estar configurado para ello, debo abrir la aplicación manualmente y siento que eso me pone en riesgo.
La herramienta efectiva y segura para tu pc
Comentarios: Ha sido maravillosa utilizar este software. Me ha solucionado problemas graves de amenazas en mi computador. Que con otros software hubiese sido imposible lograr. En lineas generales lo recomiendo, porque es una herramienta perfecta y muy segura.
Puntos a favor:
Es perfecto y efectivo para analizar a profundidad y eliminar amenazas en la base de datos de un pc. Me encanta que analiza a profundidad y detecta rapidamente las amenazas, ya sea, malware, troyanos o cualquiera tipo de virus, porque siempre tiene está actualizado. Su interfaz es intuitiva y facil de usar. Sin engorrosas configuraciones para su efectividad. Sus mensajes emergentes son los mejores te permiten estar al tanto de cualquier inconveniente.
Quiza lo que menos me gusta es que algunos configuraciones en su interfax no están a la mano y hay que tardar en buscar para desactivar una funcionalidad. Le hace falta un vpn propio para también proteger nuestra ip.

Antivirus y seguridad informatica
Comentarios: Es muy buena cumple con su objetivo de respaldar y cuidar cada archivo de tu pc
Puntos a favor:
Es muy liviano no interrumpe las labores que realizo en el día
Es un poco costoso y la mayoría de personas lo dejan en versión prueba
Malwarebytes for Business
Comentarios: Nos Proporciona herramientas avanzadas para detectar, prevenir y responder a ciber amenazas en tiempo real; entre las desventajas que podríamos mencionar nuevamente es el costo de la misma.
Puntos a favor:
La facilidad de uso que ofrece para cada usuario; la amplia cobertura que ofrece ante todo de tipo de vulnerabilidad que podamos tener.
El uso de recursos, afectando el rendimiento del equipo; el costo elevado que puede tener para pequeñas empresas y usuarios.
navega de forma mas segura con malwarebytes
Comentarios: en general lo recomiendo instalado con otro antivirus para mejorar mas aun la seguridad realmente lo recomiendo
Puntos a favor:
se puede navegar de forma segura conectar varios dispositivos, antimalware, detecta todo en tiempo real realmente lo recomiendo es muy seguro, lo utilizo en mi trabajo y de forma personal lo tengo instalado en mi lapto
la version gratuita no tiene todas las funciones activadas por lo tanto no es acesible para todos es un poco caro,
Protección sólida
Comentarios: ME permite centrarme en mi trabajo sin preocuparme por la seguridad informática. Mantener los datos de mis pacientes seguros es esencial, y este software lo logra sin complicaciones.
Puntos a favor:
Su capacidad para detectar y eliminar amenazas es muy buena, y la interfaz de usuario es fácil de usar
A veces veo que este software puede ser un poco pesado en términos de recursos
Malwarebytes Empresas. Calidad en seguridad ante ataques
Comentarios: En general es un muy buen producto en lo que es mi trabajo me permite limpiar discos de mis clientes y recuperar archivos que se dañaron por virus. exelente producto
Puntos a favor:
M e permite poder limpiar y recuperar archivos infectados o dañados por virus de los discos con los que trabajo.
Deberia ser un poco mas economico para usuarios particulares

Alternativas consideradas:
MALWAREBYTES funciona muy bien y es de los mejores softwares
Comentarios: Seguridad en la web y seguridad en mis equipos
Puntos a favor:
Evidentemente es uno de los mejores productos del mercado pero para que funcione el 100% tiene que estar renovando la clave demasiado seguido o comprar una clave durante un año pero a veces resulta un poco cara
A pesar de que es un producto muy bueno y algo caro no encuentra fácilmente los adware o sea secuestradores de navegador cosa que ADWCleaner, sí lo hace de forma efectiva y ellos compraron este software o esta empresa.
La herramienta ideal para eliminar el malware
Puntos a favor:
Es una herramienta fácil de instalar y de usar. Hay versión gratuita y de pago
Falta protección en tiempo real con la versión gratuita
Organizacion de datos y ventas
Puntos a favor:
que sirve para proteger los dispositivos de la red
no es el mejor pero se instala de acuerdo a la capacidad del dispositivo

a good gate
Puntos a favor:
its pretty eficent on detecting malwares and some others digital treats
sometimes it can detect itself as a malware
Low Resource - High Protection Software
Comentarios: I have been using Malwarebytes for 2+ years and I have been loving it. Our devices have not been infected because it continuously scans all files being run. I highly recommend it for everyone.
Puntos a favor:
The best thing about Malwarebytes is the low resource it uses while protecting devices better than other software. I have experienced many similar software and they eat a lot of resources - which is not true for Malwarebytes. Also, they regularly update the definition files and monitor them continuously. I tested it with some scripts and it was very fast to detect problems.
Honestly, nothing comes to mind. I did not use to like such software because of how resource intensive they are but Malwarebyte has been perfect fusion of resource and protection.
It's high time to enhance your enterprise cybersecurity. Offers fully mature awareness.
Comentarios: Keep your workstations, servers and mobile devices safe from all dangerous cyber threats. Easy to deploy.
Puntos a favor:
No more wasting precious time and money on overly expensive and complicated multi-product IT security stack. Malwarebytes software natively provides the essential security technologies needed in one automated, simplified platform.
This software has no disappointing features. It's backed by a team of security experts full time.
Malware virus protection
Comentarios: I had on every computer for every job and personal computer.
Puntos a favor:
It does notify you if you have software or a virus on your computer.
It constantly pops up when you terminate the subscription.
Malwarebytes keeps us in business
Comentarios: Our experience with Malwarebytes has been phenomenal. I am not technical, so having someone in my corner that is, without having to spend an enormous amount of money, is vital to keep my business up and running. There are so many bad actors out there and so many threats that I don't even see but Malwarebytes does and keeps me protected.
Puntos a favor:
I love that Malwarebytes for business is an affordable way to protect my company and my website. Being a small business we do not have the budget that the larger companies do or the know how to protect our digital assets. Malwarebytes does that for us.
I don't have any complaints as my systems have been secure since changing to Malwarebytes.
Effective defense against malware
Comentarios: Easy to use, great detection and defense against malware and viruses that other anti-virus programs miss.
Puntos a favor:
Better detection of malware than other anti-virus software I've used.
Can be a little heavy on resources at times and slows down my computer.
Malwarebytes for Business
Comentarios: Easy to set up and run. Does a great job scanning all files in the background watching for issues.
Puntos a favor:
Easy to install and set up regular scans across multiple devices
Original versions were clunky but they have improved tremendously.
Easy to use and very effective antivirus
Comentarios: I used the trial version last months when something strange happened to my PC, I installed it and in a few minutes found some infections. I decided not to renew the plan just for my economic reasons.
Puntos a favor:
The most effective feature is that it works before a virus attack infect your computer.
I didn't find any specific cons, maybe it slacken a little the performance of my computer.
Easy, cheap, worth while
Comentarios: Ive used it for years, ine of the first antiviruses i found at a young age so they make it easy to understand
Puntos a favor:
I know exactly what im getting, the cost is affordable and or free in some cases, its reliable, and consistent.
I dont think i have any real dislikes for this program
Good Product User Friendly
Comentarios: I have had a great experience using Malwarebytes it has helped with our enrollment and growing our business!
Puntos a favor:
I like that it is user friendly and easy to navigate. I is very easy to post for your business as well as monitor the engagement with the post.
I wish it didn't have to be connected to your personal Facebook for you to have a business profile.
Malwarebytes: A great solution in Keeping your Computer Safe and Secured
Comentarios: I highly recommend this software, whether you are using it in a personal computer or in a company's network because it has a superb features. The combination of all the features makes it have an outstanding performance. Since I used this, I never reexperience losing important files.
Puntos a favor:
I've been using this software for more than three years, and for me, the pros include: -Easy to operate -Easy to install -Easy to activate -Easy to troubleshoot -Frequent updates available -Highly compatible with Windows Security
The only con I observed is: -Installing of update is sometimes slow
That was painless
Comentarios: Well, I guess you could say i barely noticed it was there, quick and efficient yet powerful against all kinds of malicious things out there trying to get our info.
Puntos a favor:
Mower bites is a thorough and efficient program.That is light on your computer's Ram.Which allows you to do all the things necessary with your computer while still being protected, unlike other apps that suck up all the Ram.And leave your computer slow and sluggish.
I'd like to see them incorporate a more free to use software that is built into browsers and or apps to better keep us safe in our endeavors.

Alternativas consideradas:
Effective and highly recommended protection
Comentarios: its is effective in detecting malicious data and providing protection against malware attacks, data loss and network breach
Puntos a favor:
simple user interface, friendly customer support, easy to use and implement
takes time to scan for any malicious threats inside a computer and network
A complete solution for you security
Comentarios: Years ago I used Malwarebytes for scanning my computer searching for threats my antivirus did not find and it was great. So i decided to switch to Malwarebytes for Business for more security
Puntos a favor:
In These days we often read about ransonmware attacks and it's really important to be of course aware of what could harm your systems but also have a security solution that acts as antivirus but also as antimalware. Malwarebytes for Business has both features, protecting my computers from any threat and attack (exploits, ransomwares...). I highly recommend Malwarebytes, it is easy to install and set, you will be fully protected.
Sometimes the computer seems a bit slow, especially during scans but I think this behaviour is common among all security programs.
Simple Way to Stop Phishing and to Clean Files
Puntos a favor:
Malwarebytes has prevented some potentially bad things from happening. It is a simple software you can leave alone and it does most of the work for you. It is a first line of defense that makes you question "do I really need to visit this site?" It does the trick and prevents a lot of phishing from occurring.
We download a lot of assets and data from several dozen vendors. There are some vendors that use trackers, and Malwarebytes dings webpages that we need to get to. It's just one extra step to get through, but it happens often enough to where it can be a nuisance.