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Sobre X Pro
Organiza tu cuenta corporativa de Tweeter, realiza un seguimiento y comparte búsquedas con tus compañeros de trabajo sin revelar tu contraseña.
I love that this is free software integrated directly to twitter (i think twitter owns it).
Tweetdeck was originally for multiple social media platforms but with it being own by twitter now, its disappointing not having to use it to manage my Facebook account as well.
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Tweet Deck
Comentarios: En general el deck se ha vuelto una herramienta primordial para mi control de redes sociales de la empresa, el generar mis contenidos el lunes para que estos vayan siendo programados durante toda la semana hace que no me pase muchísimo tiempo en las redes. De igual manera el que me notifique los mensajes directos recibidos hace de esta una aplicación de suma utilidad.
Puntos a favor:
La programación de mis posts semanales de contenido en redes sociales, hace que no tenga que estar entrando a cada rato a twitter a estar publicando. De igual manera el que pueda hacer tuits al mismo tiempo de mis multiples cuentas es un plus del sistema.
No hay un contra de la aplicación, es de esas aplicaciones que cumplen con lo que prometen. Es muy buena herramienta para la administración de distintas cuentas.
Alternativas consideradas:
De las mejores herramientas para gestionar Twitter
Comentarios: Para supervisar las menciones de marca es ideal, también para ver tweets sobre determinados temas o listas, permite tenerlo todo organizado, sobre todo en escritorio.
Puntos a favor:
El poder organizar en columnas diferentes temas como las listas, menciones o búsquedas por hashtag.
En ocasiones pierdes los hilos de Twitter se pierde un poco el hilo de que tweet estás mirando.
Redes Sociales en el momento
Comentarios: Gracias a TD gestiono las cuentas de la empresa y realizamos seguimientos de que se realiza en el momento. Posteo múltiples en todas las cuentas.
Puntos a favor:
Con TD puedes gestionar múltiples cuentas y visualizar un panel único, realizar seguimientos de palabras o usuarios. Analizar los tweets y alcance.
En el pasado era posible gestionar otras redes sociales. Era una funcionalidad bastante util que añadia un plus interesante.
Redes sociales
Puntos a favor:
Es un elegante la plataforma y tiene un poco menos de anuncion
La traducción de las publicaciones no es automática como en otras redes sociales y es un poco mas difícil de entender
TweetDeck: Es un software de gran ayuda
Puntos a favor:
Software que ayuda a crear tweets de una forma más unida a otros usuarios y crear hilos de marketing
No es muy confiable al momento de saber cual es la identidad del usuario al vender un producto
Gran herramienta para tweeter
Puntos a favor:
Ayuda con la programación de contenido en las redes sociales semanalmente es excelente para no preocuparse por lo que se requiera subir porque ya está todo debidamente programado
Aveces es un poco lento en imágenes o las búsquedas que se hacen
Herramientas de tuiter
Comentarios: Que es igual a los otros servificos basicos como facebook e instagram..
Puntos a favor:
Que todo es super vacan y se pude hacer mcuhas cosas ok
Que aveces no me gusta las tardanzas de las imagenes o lo q quiero buscar xd..
The Twitter Superhero You Need
Puntos a favor:
As a frequent Twitter user, I found Tweetdeck's features to be incredibly impactful in streamlining my Twitter management. The ability to monitor multiple accounts and lists at once, schedule tweets, and receive real-time notifications has made a significant impact on my productivity. I found the product easy to use and its layout customizable, allowing me to tailor the dashboard to my needs. Additionally, integrating Tweetdeck into my existing business processes was a breeze, and it has quickly become an indispensable tool for me.
I really enjoy using TweetDeck, but one thing that could be improved is the user interface. While it's functional, the layout and design could be more visually appealing and intuitive. Additionally, I would like to see more customization options available, such as the ability to choose different color schemes or fonts.
Tweetdeck is a must have
Comentarios: I love it and recommend anyone managing a X (Twitter) page to use it.
Puntos a favor:
This tool is great for managing your presence on twitter (now X) its features are very useful and in some cases mandatory for any person or company taking their social media presence seriously
Their are few, mostly related to learning curve associated with managing any social media listening apps. but non to serious
Comentarios: Overall good experience
Puntos a favor:
If you are into social media then this app is for you.
It’s a good app for the social network world
The best application
Comentarios: An easy-to-use application that is useful in practical life, in addition to being free to use at first
Puntos a favor:
An easy-to-use application that is useful in practical life, in addition to being free to use at first
When your account is promoted and becomes known, you must pay for the services provided
It's a great experience
Comentarios: Excellent experience. This application achieved the required communication between the members of the work team with the presence of a password for the pass. Before it, communication was dispersed and work research might be lost.
Puntos a favor:
It is easy to use and makes work faster and easier
It is a constantly evolving application. I hope that this development will continue to keep pace with the ever-renewing work requirements
Communication Became easy
Puntos a favor:
Rescheduling tweets can be considered one of the most important positives and features of the program
I am having a problem when linking accounts, the profile does not appear below
Comentarios: Bad boy worth it for really. Sorry maybe if it was free
Puntos a favor:
They on time on posting and giving you tips on your ads but that's it
The whole set up is pointless to use. Just us tweeter
A simple way to accees Twitter
Comentarios: Overall ican describe the TweetDeck because im only use for couple week
Puntos a favor:
The most i like from TweetDeck is with this application we can access Tweeter with many way
The most i least like from TweetDeck is no longer free AKA must buy (Twitter Blue)
Phenomenally better UI than twitter
Puntos a favor:
Multiple tabs, multiple account usage, dedicated column for individual hashtag.
Random crashes. Tweets go out of sync. More options for customization would be better.
A long time friendly tool
Puntos a favor:
Interaction management, multi-account management, UX design, and customization.
The gap between the time it was sold for Twitter and the new APP launch.
Why I Use TweetDeck Instead of Twitter
Comentarios: Overall I've had a positive experience with TweetDeck. I've been using it for years and don't plan to change it anytime soon. It's a simple alternative with easy to use features and an organized layout.
Puntos a favor:
What I like most about Tweetdeck is its layout and multi-account feature. I started using TweetDeck years ago when Twitter only allowed one account and I've never switched back. The feed is split by columns, allowing each account to have its own column or for specific items such as showing likes, mentions, or hashtags. It also allows you to customize minimal options, in a good way, as it keeps things easy and simple.
The least thing I like about this is the built-in video player. Every once in a while I'll click play on a video only for it to automatically end in a split second. After a refresh or two, or opening a link if there is one in the tweet, it will play normally. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it's more annoying and inconvenient than anything else since it's an easy fix.
Alternativas consideradas:
Great for monitoring all your Twitter activity
Comentarios: I manage two separate Twitter accounts through TweetDeck and I believe it is a must-have for anyone that is building their brand. I am able to quickly sift through which tweets are performing the best and use that information to build better tweets in the future. My only qualm with TweetDeck is that a tweet's individual analytics are not made available.
Puntos a favor:
The customizable columns and the quick filtering that is possible within each column. For example, you are able to quickly review all your retweets, favorites etc. within the notifications column. You are also able to schedule tweets within TweetDeck, which eliminates the need for other post scheduling services as long as you are only using one social media profile.
TweetDeck removes the analytics from an individual tweet making it harder to determine which tweets are being viewed the most. It largely relies on a user's interaction with a tweet and allows you to filter for those results. It also limits users for business Twitter accounts (there's no option for multiple users) which adds a level of difficulty when you need an account for each individual that will have access.
Yusuph TweetDeck
Puntos a favor:
Track and organize content, and engage with communities.
It doesn't interact with other social media also it could have been easily customizable.
Social Media Marketing done simple using Tweetdeck
Puntos a favor:
Easy to understand and easy to use, helps us a lot
None as such all features are very good.
REVIEW tweetdeck
Puntos a favor:
used for ingrowing our social presence for particular clients
not so useful for our business,to much simila to twitter
Tweetdeck 🥰
Comentarios: Great and amazing experience.
Puntos a favor:
I like that's its flexible and I'm able to use it anytime from anywhere.
I have not en countered any issues or problems so I cant say there is something I dislike about it.
Essential for internet based business
Comentarios: Our overall experience has been very positive. We've been using Tweetdeck for 8 years, since the launch of our business, and have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Puntos a favor:
Tweetdeck made Twiter easier for our business. We appreciated that it allowed us to track certain trends and conversations with ease, and allowed us to schedule posts to be 'ever present' without actually being on the site all day. This allowed us to stay engaged.
Some of the drag and drop experience of columns can be clunky. Additionally, its difficult to create functional threaded tweets..
Comentarios: Great experience !
Puntos a favor:
The product is easy to use, it has good visibility attracts good business
I don´t have to complain about the device.